Total Control Over Your
Fleet Maintenance
- Set up maintenance intervals that alert you and your mechanic when they are due.
- Create service requests that automatically send a message to your mechanic letting them know.
- Keep track of all your service records.
Save Time, A LOT OF TIME!
- Automated Maintenance Reports
- Enter invoices/records in seconds
All In The Palm Of Your Hand
- Designed for smartphones and tablets
- Valuable and usefull information at your fingertips
- Fast & Easy to use
Special Features For FedEx Contractors
- Automated MMRs
- Quickly Create & Sign or have your drivers sign FedEx documents remotely.
- Much more….
- Designed by a Former FedEx Contractor
QR Code Stickers

Drivers Scan QR Codes
- Get access to general truck info such as Registration, Insurance, DOT Report, Tire Sizes, Fuel Type, VIN and More…
- Checklists with Pictures & Videos
- Report an issue to you (only you will see it)
- Clock In/Out
- Sign Documents with Finger (Warning letters, etc)
- Time-Off Requests
- No App Needed
Mechanics Scan QR Codes
- Get access to general truck info such as Registration, Insurance, DOT Report, Tire Sizes, Fuel Type, VIN and More…
- Access Maintenance History
- See when last/next scheduled maintenance due.
- See any open issues.
- Set maintenance and open issues as complete.
- Mechanics only see issues assigned to them.
Automated MMR for FedEx Contractors

MMR Automatically Created
- Automatically creates MMR for each truck using your service records.
- One-Click View/Print or Email MMR directly to FedEx
- Signature Included! No need to print and sign. MMR will be signed.
- Automatically include all invoices for completed work. (optional)
- Set different stations for each truck and email to respective stations.
This Feature Alone,
Will Save you
Notifications by
Email & Text

Notifications For Every Important Event
- Scheduled Maintenance Due
- Registration Expiring
- DOT Inspection Due
- IFTA Expiring
- Checklist Completed (pass or fail)
- Drivers forgetting to Clock In/Out
Mechanics & Drivers Notifications
- Mechanics are notified for scheduled maintenance, service requests, and DOT Inspections.
- Drivers are notified if they forget to clock in/out.
Packed With Powerful Features!
Document Center
- Organize and Store Registrations, Insurance Cards, DOT Certificates, and IFTA’s for quick & easy access.
Mileage Report
- View the last 100 mileage updates for each truck, with average daily mileage for 5,6,7 day work weeks.
- Keep track of all your warranties.
- Stores image of warranty certificate.
- Stores warranty date such as exp date, exp miles, etc.
- Search warranties by truck, part, or any keyword.
- Create custom checklists
- Capture pictures & videos
- Give access to drivers via QR Code Stickers
- Get notifications every time a checklist is completed.
Keep Track Of Repairs & Maintenance
- Service Requests
- Scheduled Maintenance
- Service Records
- Invoices
Send Text Messages To Update App
- Update truck mileage by text message.
- Get truck documents with a simple text message request.
- Get truck barcodes to log into scanner with a text message.
- More text message features coming soon!
Outstanding Issues Page
- Quickly view and update all open issues for your trucks all on one page.
- All open scheduled maintenance.
- All open service requests.
- Expiring DOT Inspections
- Expiring Registrations
- Expiring IFTA’s
- Quickly set open issues as completed and convert to records, update expiration dates, and store updated documents.
Common Parts Database
- Keep a searchable list of truck parts that you use frequently such as batteries, brake pads, oil filters, etc.
- Keep track of each part, and which truck(s) each part fits.
- Inventory – Keeps track of quantity-on-hand.
Information At Your Fingertips
- Quickly see full truck details such as VIN, tire sizes, fuel type, scheduled maintenance status, mileage, year, make, model, document expiration dates.
- Tire Reports
*Do Your Own DOT Inspections?
- Use our DOT Wizard to do the inspection and generate the report.
- Automatically creates report with all fields filled in.
- Sends directly to you and FedEx.
- Remembers all your truck data as well as your customers’ trucks.

$5/Month Per Truck
- Automated MMRs
- Scheduled Maintenance
- Maintenance Notifications
- Registration, Insurance, DOT, IFTA Notifications
- Mechanic Notifications
- Service Reuqests
- Checklists with Pictures & Videos
- List Item
- Warranty Database
- Parts Inventory System
- QR Code Stickers to Access Documents
- Get Registration, Insurance, DOT by Text Msg
- Electronic Document Creation/Signing
- Connect to ELD Systems
- Update Mileage with ELD or TruckSpy

$2/Month per Driver
- Driver Dashboard
- Instant Access to Driver Lic, Medical DOT
- Reminders when Driver Lic & Medical DOT Expiring
- Clock In/Out System with Reports
- Clock In/Out Reminders
- Warning Letters / Write-Ups with Signatures
- Access Truck Documents with QR Code
- (Requires at least 1 truck)

- Fill Out DOT Inspection Form on your Phone
- Big, Easy To Read for 1-Handed Use
- No Pinching/Zooming Needed
- Save or Email Inspections Report
- Save Truck Info for Future Inspections
- Save Truck Info from Multiple Contractors
- Save Name/Address, etc. Data for Future Use
- (Does NOT require trucks or drivers. Use independently!)